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Ability to Adjust

Reflection is a key element in self-regulated learning. I must continuously reflect on my goal and motivation and gauge how I am doing.

I ask myself:

Do I still want to learn this? Why?

YES! Because I need it for work in the classroom. I can rely on the chart but I would feel more professional and credible if I knew if by heart. I would also like to understand the challenges of learning the chart so that I can assist students in learning it as well.

What's working? What's not working?

* My ability to memorize the symbols is ok, but after a few days of not using it I need to look at the chart quickly again to remember them. SOLUTION: Have a look at the chart every night before going to bed since the office is on the way to the bedroom. Stop in for a quick peek!

*I have set aside time to lesson plan for my jobs, study for my masters, and learn the phonetic chart but then life throws other distractions and responsibilities my way so I don't always spend the time working on specific tasks like I originally committed to. SOLUTION: Don't panic when curve balls are thrown. Keep plugging away and adjust the schedule as necessary. This may mean that I give up coffee with friends because I had a meeting during the time I was suppose to lesson plan. Defer the gratification of leisure knowing that I have priorities and my motto is always "work first, then play". It might not sound like fun, but I don't find downtime enjoyable when I know there is work to do anyway. That being said, make sure to carve out some personal time to relax and reward myself.

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